The Shallows

The Shallows leave a lot to the imagination. However we do know that they are a four piece from London, consisting of Tom Skelton (vocals, lead guitar), Michael Rendall (bass, keys, backing vocals), Russ Cragg (guitar, backing vocals) and Timmy Rickward (drums, backing vocals).
The only other information we are provided is this message. "We are The Shallows. It is only the shallow who do not judge by appearances. Built over a decade, this is an expression of our survival, preserved in art. It's our vanity. Our inspiration, our fears and hopes. Culture lives in our synapses. Lost in our ambition. Reflecting the mindless world leering from the other side of the glass. The necessary doom in the news. We cannot own what is not ours. This is the music you created."
Following that eerie statement comes the music. The band recently released an EP titled "About Time Vol. 1". Ironically, based on appearance strong connotations with Fritz Lang's Metropolis jump out at you. The first track "Fairly True" sounds similar to something The Maccabees would release. It's upbeat, contains a laid back vibe and fits perfectly for a day spent by the beach.
The second track "Get Gone" has an early 00's vibe, blending well with their trademark upbeat sound that is securely stamped all over this EP. Skelton's soothing vocals compliment this song nicely. "Honestly" the name of the third track leads us into a darker, electro direction. The upbeat indie-ness still remains, although it's a good method of ensuring the listener's interest stays intact.
The EP comes to a close with "Win or Lose". This is the song that confirms the band are definitely going to be a winner, that the EP is everything we hoped it would be and more. The soft opening chords of this song prepare us for what is to be an emotional journey of a last song. Hopefully we will hear more from The Shallows soon.

What do you think of The Shallows' music? Do you think upbeat indie is the future of music? Comment below.
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