LIVE REVIEW // Lisbon @ The Green Door Store 08.03.16

RETURNING to Brighton for one night and one night only at The Green Door Store, the deliciously epic Whitley Bay four-piece, Lisbon played to a relatively small crowd. However, those in attendance bopped along to every beat and sang the words straight back at them, which is all that most bands can hope for. 

Led by frontman Matthew Varty, Lisbon dived straight into new track 'Shark' which has a heavier feel at the forefront. The live setting is one that suits Lisbon well and the northern four-piece's sub-three minute cut translates well and goes down a storm live. 

The instantly catchy tumbling riffs of fan favourite 'I Don't Know' come thick and fast before the frantic energy and contagious beats of hit track 'Native'. Every inch of The Green Door Store throbs with tropical frills and punchy beats. These beats are especially prominent on Lisbon's latest cut 'Vice' that sees Varty set his guitar aside briefly for the duration of the number. 

Varty announces "This one's a love song. Grab someone you love and sing it to them" moments before they drop into the slower paced tune that is 'Bluelove'. It's a track that the whole crowd knows the words to and is nigh on impossible not to sing along to. It's a moment that truly sees Lisbon own the stage on which they perform.

The band choose to close on 'Rio' which is a vibrant indie banger, from start to finish, that will stick in your head for days and comes complete with monstrous wailing riffs. Their sound is exceptionally well crafted and is one that we have championed for quite some time and will continue to. 

Every release that Lisbon put out is as insanely catchy as the last. They've been on a rapid rise for well over a year and there's something special about these northern lads and they will continue to go further than they're currently aiming for. The sheer volume of their sound will ensure that alone. If there's one thing that's been affirmed tonight, it's that Lisbon are going places and they're certainly somewhere big. 

Words Lauren Wade

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