Due for release on 15th July, third single Dirty Girl Blues is coloured by influence (looks pointedly at The Beach Boys). This track is one which will strip your innocence, pulling it apart thread by thread, until all you're left with is a silhouette of your former self - a rather sassy silhouette. Covered in leather head to toe, a permanent snarling expression and the ability to pull off double denim (without so much of a flinch), Burning Condors have crafted a track so corruptive; parents will shake their head with dismay, but we're having the last laugh.
Without a pause for breath, the band kick up a fuss and veer away from all other contenders. Lyrically, it's not the greatest but it is an improvement over previous tracks. If Burning Condors continue to amp it up and produce music like this - success will undoubtedly follow. Dip into this band if you're up for a bit of raunchiness.
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