Bare Traps 'The Best Of This'

GOING about it the old fashioned way with constant gigging across the capital, and various other notable cities, is a tactic Bare Traps have used to their advantage. The London four-piece have just released their self-titled EP and it's jam-packed with gems from start to finish. Expect a headrush of emotions from this release.

Latest cut 'The Best Of This' is a reflective sub-five minute indie number that effortlessly weaves together rich lyrics and some mighty fine riffage for your listening pleasure. The final track to be released from their EP displays stunning artist progression and proves that even on their downbeat moments - they still manage to kick ass.

Bare Traps have a lot to offer with their slices of dreamy indie pop. The industry bark around them is slowly building and once it reaches fever pitch, don't expect it to die down anytime soon. Previous hits such as 'Be Here Forever' and 'Inside' will send you into a meltdown; listen with caution. 

Words Lauren Wade

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