Get To Know: Exam Season

Self-proclaimed 'awkward' indie-rockers, Exam Season are an endearing outfit garnering all the right kinds of attention at the moment. The actual exam season that countless numbers of students across the nation might be dreaded by many, but the Hampshire four-piece are slightly more pleasant. 

The band considered going by the name of 'Office Job' previously during a brief period of unemployment, but their current name glued and they've never looked back since. The tracks they make mix upbeat guitars with a blatant melancholic vibe that lingers and proves to be a success. 

'A Pretty Song' from their debut EP 'Mostly Homely' is the best of the bunch and streams into your ears whilst leaving you pining for more. The title-track of their first output sees everything sounding beautifully crisp, detailed and rich. 'Mostly Homely' is an immediately infectious number that you'll struggle to forget for quite some time, which is good because you certainly won't want to. 

The band cite some true heroes as inspiration, such as: American Football, Weezer, Los Campesinos and even Angels and Airwaves. It's a varied mix that is truly reflected in, both, their songwriting and warm, colourful guitar blend that is very much indebted to the 90s - 'Megabus' being the finest example of this. 

Unemployment after graduating from university was the driving force behind Exam Season but it's a harsh reality they'll never have to face again after making a collection of tracks like these. Exam Season have previously played the likes of The Old Blue Last in Shoreditch and Bournemouth's 60 Million Postcards but keep an eye out for them as things are only going to heat up for them. 

Words Lauren Wade

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