Preview: I Am The Resurrection - A Benefit Concert in aid of Jack Winstanley

This coming Wednesday some of the finest indie talents will come together to take part in a benefit concert in aid of Jack Winstanley. 

Taking place at Kamio in Shoreditch, London - Bloody Knees, Sorry (FKA Fish) and Hotel Lux will all put in special performances, with a live DJ set from Swim Deep too.

Shortly after the line-up was announced, headliners Bloody Knees took to Facebook to promote the event and offer advice for anyone who may be suffering with mental health issues. 

The band said: "Speak to each other and care for each other, please. It is so important that we make the best effort we can to make sure that nobody is left to feel like they have no one to talk to and have no other choice."

Earlier this month, Jack was admitted to Kings College Hospital ICU after his mental health became too much for him to handle. 

Jack is thought of extremely highly and loved by everyone he has met and is making real progress. However, the road to recovery is never an easy one. 

Half of the funds from the benefit concert will go to Jack's family to assist with his care, whilst the other half will be donated to the Samaritans and Kings College Hospital ICU. 

Get down to Kamio this Wednesday and show Jack (and his loved ones) some support if you can. There's never been a worthier cause. 

Words Lauren Wade

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