Having received its first spin on Annie Mac's BBC Radio 1 show as her hottest record, news also followed of their second album and upcoming tour dates, including a show at Brighton Dome.
The follow-up record to their 2015 debut, 'My Love Is Cool,' will be titled 'Visions Of A Life' and will be released on 29th September via Dirty Hit.
Speaking about 'Yuk Foo', vocalist Ellie Rowsell said: "We wanted to make it open to interpretation, so that anyone who was frustrated at something could have it as their anthem.
"For me, a lot of it is about being a young woman. Even the shit, everyday wolf-whistle thing. As I get older, I feel like 'Why have I always put up with that?' When I sing that kind of song, it's everything that I want to do when that happens."
Wolf Alice will bring their storming new sound to Brighton at the end of the year on 20th November. Tickets for the show are available from 9am on Friday 16th June.
Take a listen to 'Yuk Foo' below
Words Lauren Wade