Darlia 'Knock Knock'

Choke On BonesEvery once in a while a band comes along with the ability to defeat every obstacle placed in front of them. They go above and beyond in the name of music and their quest for greatness is prematurely fulfilled when the hype machine latches onto their sound.
Blackpool trio Darlia are that band, specifically ones who are leading the rock revival that is predicted to last long into 2014 and beyond. Comparisons to fellow revivalist newbies Drenge and Royal Blood are likely to emerge, however Darlia choose to do things a little differently with Radio 1 playlist boss Nigel Harding describing them as "the most exciting new guitar band in the UK."
Whilst there quiet-loud dynamic contributes majorly to their appeal, don't be surprised if you find yourself feeling nostalgic of a time when Nirvana were around - Darlia blend Nirvana-esque neo-grunge riffs with gut-rumbling basslines. All of this tessellates together, reeling you in before spitting listeners out again.
Darlia’s avatarTheir debut EP 'Knock Knock' justifies the hype and leaves you scrambling for the repeat button. Taking its lyrical and stylistic cues from the 90s Seattle grunge scene, the EP is one that switches between abrasive roars to breathless intervals, leaving listeners shaken to the core.
Opening track 'Queen Of Hearts' opens in a Nirvana-esque manner and signals to keen-eyed music fans that the 1994 rock revival begins here. The Blackpool newcomers' debut release incorporates ragged, uncompromising potential hit 'Napalm' sending out a near-perfect slice of brilliance complete with crushing riffs that cascade and collide.
Fresh madness ensues on final number 'Choke On Bones' with squealing guitars drenched in rock'n'roll sleaze. Their new-wave sound and swelling riffs are deeply immersive and will see them kick up some serious dust if they continue in this direction for the foreseeable future. One final thought - Darlia only deal in epics.

Words Lauren Wade
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