Introducing: White Hart - The latest group to emerge out of the musical mecca of Brighton

Seaside dwellers, White Hart are the latest group to emerge out of the musical mecca that is Brighton. The four-piece have got an obvious knack for generating tunes, as evidenced on their debut release 'Friction'. 

Producing a track as bold and catchy as 'Friction' is no mean feat for a band still in its formative stages, but White Hart have pulled it off. 

Armed with addictive hooks and contagious melodies, White Hart's success story is still unfolding but we're excited to see more of them on the scene.

Having previously supported Marsicans and Jerry Williams, the group have already started to charm audiences and future shows will see them continue to build the buzz. 

The indie quartet are set to play The Hope & Ruin in Brighton on April 19th, followed by a show at London's Tooting Tram and Social a few days later on the 22nd - you'd be mad to miss them. 

Listen to White Hart's track 'Friction' below:

Words Lauren Wade

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