Lisbon switch up their sound on new track 'Tyler'

After a short hiatus, Newcastle group Lisbon have returned with their new track 'Tyler' and a line-up change. 

Previously a four-piece, they may have lost a member but are sounding stronger than ever. 'Tyler' is a daring return that sees them pair thumping slaps of hip-hop beats with impeccable indie grooves.

The new cut was produced by Dan Austin and is a brave step in a new direction for the trio. 

Inspiration for their new material was taken from the cinematic classic Fight Club, as the band explain: "'Tyler' takes its inspiration from Fight Club character Tyler Durden, who leads an army of 'slaves in white collars' against the establishment. 

"It's built around today's lost generation, working for the weekend, dreaming of the California sun."

Take a listen to Lisbon's triumphant return below

Lisbon will play:
Newcastle, Think Tank (April 8)
Brighton, Green Door Store (April 11)
London, Islington Academy (April 13)
Sheffield, Rocking Chair (April 14)
Hull, Fruit (April 17)
Edinburgh, Sneaky Pete's (April 21)
Newcastle, Hit The North Festival (April 28)
Leeds, Live At Leeds Festival (April 29)

Words Lauren Wade

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